Surprise Number 1

Check out the smile!

That’s Ben enjoying the beautiful reclining chair that our Mama and Papa were kind enough to bring over last night to give Ben a comfy place to sit.  He can never get comfy because of the pain …. and now he can!  Hopefully this will solve the one problem that has been plaguing us.  (Well, that and the whole cancer thing….)

Thanks Mom and Dad!  You are the best.  That was so generous, and so thoughtful.  We really, really appreciate it.  Check out how happy you made him!  You delivered a Happiness Bomb! Woo hoo!

And in addition, Rae got to be a rebel, break the law and do this… Shhhhhh

We will never tell….

Everyone should ride in a recliner in the back of a pickup  truck, one time in their life.  Don’t worry….we just circled the cul de sac, but we will always pretend we went on a full road trip.  😏

5 thoughts on “Surprise Number 1

  1. Ben that looks like more fun than the new truck. Rae you are exploring your New Brunswick roots by driving in a chair in the back of a half ton. Looks great! Cameron

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  2. Love to see the big smiles on Ben! Raegan , you look like you were having a great time😀 thank you Rob and Maureen for providing Ben with comfort😘👍❤️


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